For Thirteen Years, This Has Been the Question…
Abbas Naaseri / With the grace and assistance of Almighty God, and the support and companionship of friends, professors, artists, and art lovers, has turned thirteen. On December 26, 2011, the CartoonMag made its entrance into the world of cartoons and caricatures with its first news article on the website. Now, we have completed thirteen years, and we are entering our fourteenth year of activity. I have always asked myself: why do we exist? What difference does our presence make in the realm of art?
I always say that for the entire world of cartoons, and for covering events and their outcomes, a site like “Raed Cartoon” suffices. It carries out its work so promptly and accurately that I jokingly say that perhaps “Raed Khalil” employs supernatural forces or jinn in the secretariats and judging panels, as it often presents news ahead of the official secretariats. “”, with its rich gallery, interviews, and “the site’s “” of Julian Bonaparte” complete archive of similarities… these are enough.
So, what do other websites want? Today, most websites are managed by cartoonists themselves. They pursue their personal concerns and interests within the art they practice. Except for a few sites managed by non-cartoonists and God knows what profit they seek among cartoonists without interest and art.
I established the “” thirteen years ago as a platform to directly and independently cover my festivals, which I was organizing at the time. Gradually, with the help of artists, we accomplished great things, and now, it is thirty-one weeks, I have been writing about the pains, concerns, and needs of cartoons and cartoonists every weekend. I want to say that if we have a site or a platform today, did not come to compete “who is the fastest?” or we to say, I did it… if we exist, we must fulfill our mission properly.
From today onward, we will enter the fourteenth year together. Please, as in the past, do not withhold your unparalleled support, companionship, and assistance. We are a family.
On behalf of myself and the audience and companions of the site, I would like to extend a special thanks to the team of Cartoon Magazine, as this site is the result of their hard work.
This single page has been prepared to remind the news and calls published on the cartoonmagazine website and it is supposed to be published every Saturday.
Follow the published news on our site: CARTOONMAG.COM