= 16January 2021=
53rd WORLD GALLERY of CARTOONS Skopje 2021
Types of works – cartoons | satirical drawing | comic/strip (onepanel of non-linguistic strip)
Theme | Technique | Format – by the author’s choice
Number of works – unlimited
Only ORIGINAL, hand-created works are eligible. If the author works exclusively in digital technique,
printed DIGITAL WORKS numbered and signed in pencil on the front will be accepted
Only original works from the NEWER PRODUCTION, which have not previously been PUBLISHED or AWARDED, will be considered
Works that are deemed by the jury to be identical or closely similar to the known works by
another cartoonist – will NOT be judged
If detected the cartoonist has violated any of the rules for participation after the awarding – the jury
has the right to withdraw the award
Fill out the APPLICATION FORM (electronically or manually)
and send it to the e-mail:
cartoons@osten.com.mk along with a photo, short bio and digital images of the submitted works
Note: the name of the author, the title of the work and the technique should be stated on the back
of each work
You should choose one of the options below:
To participate WITHOUT A PARTICIPATION FEE (the submitted works remain in the OSTEN Collection)
To participate WITH A PARTICIPATION FEE of 10 $ (non-selected works to be returned to the author)
GRAND PRIX for LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT (1500 $ & Sculpture) – decision by the Ambassadors of OSTEN
FIRST AWARD ($1000 & Plaque) – decision by the International Jury
SECOND AWARD ($500 & Plaque) – decision by the International Jury
5 THIRD AWARDS (Plaque) – decision by the International Jury
5 SPECIAL AWARDS (Plaque) – decision by the International Jury
CICO AWARD * for a Macedonian Cartoonist (Plaque) – decision by the OSTEN Board
* In honor of the great Macedonian cartoonist Vasilije Popovic – Cico
30April 2021
Address for sending artworks:
Entry Form:Click Here
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