=19April 2020 =
1st International Prize for Graphic Humor “Francisco de Quevedo” 2020, Spain
figure of Francisco de Quevedo and Villegas
Anyone who wishes to participate in the contest may do it, without age limit, both individually and jointly between two or more cartoonists or between writer and artist
Each participant may submit a maximum of three works
The works submitted must be of their own creation and unpublished, may be in vignette, strip, comic page, etc
and not to have been awarded in another contest or to be pending of failure in similar contests
The presentation of the works will necessarily be in paper, original and signed, even for the works done digitally, in this case, in addition, it will be sent in JPG at 300dpi and 100% of the original size
They can be in color or black and white, the maximum dimension will be 29.7 x 42 cm (A3) and can be presented in horizontal or vertical format
The texts of the works can be written in any of the official languages of Spain. Those that come from outside Spain and contain text, must be written in Spanish
Humor works are accepted without words
1st Prize: 1,500 euros and plate
2nd Prize: 750 euros and plate
3 Accésit of 250 euros each and plate
The amounts of the prizes will be subject to the taxes and legal withholdings that apply to them
15July 2020
Address for sending artworks:
Premio de Humor Gráfico de Quevedo
Fundación Francisco de Quevedo
Paseo de la Estación, 17 – 5º D
28904 – Getafe (Madrid) SPAIN