= 05 August 2020=
17th edition of International Comics and Cartoon festival competition in Kosovo/2020
The theme of a festival is ” WE BELIEVE IN CULTURE
Right to participate at this contest have any author worldwide, regardless of gender, age, nationality or occupation
You need to send us at least 1(one) up till 3(three) Caricatures
minimum resolution for scanned caricature is 300 dpi)
Caricature can be work from one or few artists
Caricatures can be in black and white technique or in color
Along with the caricature photos, should also be sent;
– Autobiography – One photo – Contact details
– Year of creation of caricature or comics
– Did you applied before in other competitions
– Have you ever won any prize at other festivals
– Similar works will not be accepted and you will be disqualified
– In all caricatures should be signed with artist name
-Without above mentioned details works(caricatures) will not be considered valid
Golden Stone Bridge,
Silver Stone Bridge,
Bronze Stone Bridge,
Four Special Awards and Diplomas,
Three awards from the jury and diplomas
20September 2020
Address for sending artworks:
Xhemil Doda #3, 20000, Prizren, Kosovë,
Facebook cartoonmag:CLICK