Women Cartoonists International Award 2019 Caen France
Climate Change
Because equality is still a dream to achieve in the 21st century! “United Sketches” International organization offers this annual award exclusively to women cartoonists to fight patriarchy and inequality
All Women Cartoonists without any age restriction are invited to participate, following these regulations
The style and technique of artworks are free
Digital artworks and/or scanned version of the traditional artworks must be sent to the official email address of this award
Only applications sent to this email address will be considered
The digital image files must be at least 300 DPI on their original size
The acceptable extensions are JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF
Each participant can send up to 5 artworks for each Theme
Each participant must send her short biography in maximum 150 words in TEXT version [not image version] together with her artworks
Each participant must send her photo portrait on 300 DPI [minimum] together with her artworks
$ 500
31August 2019
Address for sending artworks: