Results of the 17th International Competition Satirical Drawing KARPIK 2019
Maciej Trzepałka (Poland)
Main prizes
Sławomir Łuczyński (Poland)
Sławomir Lizoń (Poland)
Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraine)
Special Award of the Director of the Museum of Caricature E. Lipiński in Warsaw
Magdalena Wosik (Poland)
Awards of the Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodeship
Henryk Cebula (Poland)
Wiesław Lipecki (Poland)
Janek Janowski (Poland)
Awards of the National Agricultural Support Center in Opole
1st prize – Paulina Kopestyńska (Poland)
2nd prize – Tomasz Niewiadomski (Poland)
3rd prize – Bretislav Kovarik (Czech Republic)
Castle Award in Moszna
Dariusz Dąbrowski (Poland)
Honorary distinctions (diplomas)
Leily Salimi Davil (Iran)
Makhmudjon Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan)
Paweł Kuczyński (Poland)
Sławomir Makal (Poland)
Sergey Sichenko