the 3rd FARTOON – Faro’s Cartoons Exhibition 2019, Portugal
Europe and the Migratory Phenomenon
All Portuguese or foreign citizens can participate in this Cartoons Exhibition
Only are accepted unpublished original works that can be black and white or color
Any graphic techniques are allowed and works measures should not exceed 42 x 30 cm (DIN A3)
Each competitor can participate individually or in teams to a maximum of 3 works
For a correct submission should be sent:
– Work(s) on paper;
– Registration form, duly completed and signed;
– Photocopy or scan from an identification document;
– Author(s) short biographical note;
– Declaration of the author of the work(s) accepting the conditions of this Regulation and authorizing the use of the work(s) at the Exhibition, in its future editions, in its extensions, promotions and publications, but with the authors’ knowledge
There will be awarded 3 prizes by the jury
04October 2019
Address for sending artworks:
FARO 1540
FARTOON – 3ª Mostra de Cartoons de Faro
Rua Reitor Teixeira Guedes, 133
8000-424 Faro