= 01 April 2021=
World Congress of Arts for Muhammad,The Prophet of Mercy
Hosted by the city of culture and art, “SHIRAZ”
▪The congress includes the following sections and
Painting, poster, digital art, photography, calligraphy, calligraphy painting, typography, Tazhib, short film, and clip.
Poetry, short story
It is compulsory to register and submit through official website of the congress (www.wcam.ir).
▪️Submission deadline:
9 August 2021
Grand prize of art section
Best selected artwork among the art sections will be awarded US$5000, congress special medal, valuable local handicrafts, congress special statue, honorary diploma and selected artworks’ booklet.
Three top selected artists in national and international sections will be given valuable awards:
▫️International section awards
1st rank in each section will be awarded US$2000, valuable local handicrafts, congress special statue, honorary diploma and selected artworks’ booklet.
▫️2nd rank in each section will be awarded US$1500, valuable local handicrafts, honorary diploma and selected artworks’ booklet.
▫️3rd rank in each section will be awarded US$1000, valuable local handicrafts, honorary diploma and selected artworks’ booklet.
Join the community of artists and lovers of Prophet of Mercy and stay updated with the list of submissions and congress news
High quality poster:
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