= 05 October 2021=
International Caricature Salon Botoșani George Enescu- România 2021
George Enescu – the genius of Romanian music
-Participants: Visual artists from the country and abroad
-Original works are received, which have not been exhibited / awarded at other events
-Participants must complete and submit, together with the works, the registration form accompanied by a short presentation CV and a caricature photo / portrait / self-portrait, at a minimum size 6×9 cm (on paper) or 300 DPI ( in digital format)
-minimum 300 DPI; JPG format – for works sent by e-mail; format A 3 – for works sent by mail; work technique: free
-A maximum of 2 works are accepted from each author
-Each participant will receive a diploma of participation from the organizers
500 euros First Prize
300 euros 2nd Prize
200 euros 3rd Prize
the Excellence Trophy worth 500 euros
-The last day for receiving the works in digital format in Botoșani is 20 October 2021
-The last day for receiving the original works is 27 October 2021
Address for sending artworks:
Staff of the Botoșani International Cartoon Salon – Romania – 2021
Director – Mihai Debely
Project coordinator – Radu Iațcu-iatzco
Secretary – Ioan Serediuc
Mihai Debely
Phone 0040758185411 WhatsApp
Email: doroca2010@yahoo.com
Address: Mihai Debely, 7 Prof. Dimitrie Pompeiu Street, Dorohoi, Romania.
Radu Iațcu-iatzco
Phone: 00 40 722 83 11 22
E-mail: radu_iatcu@yahoo.com
Ioan Serediuc
Phone 0040744809832
E-mail: serediucioan@yahoo.com
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