Monday, February 10, 2025

– – – – – 03 August 2021 – – – – – International Contest for a Satirical Drawing “ALBERT EINSTEIN” in Poland / 2021

= 03 August  2021=

International Contest for a Satirical Drawing “ALBERT EINSTEIN” in Poland



Albert Einstein – category: caricature, joke

Peaceful use of nuclear energy – category: joke



-The contest is open to everyone, including foreigners

-This contest is for drawings, graphics and other artistic works created with any technique, which are original, have not received any other awards

-One participant can submit up to 2 works per contest theme

-Stage 1 – scanned copies of works can be sent electronically (file extension: JPEG, resolution: 300 DPI, maximum permissible file size: 5 MB)

-Stage 2 – the list of works qualified for the contest and exhibition will be published on the website The original copies of qualified works should be sent after the publication of the list, no later than 31 December 2021, by regular mail

-Work format: maximum A-3 (29.7 x 42 cm), admissible size of one file: 5 MB, JPEG file extension

-The submitted works should include a short biographical note and the entry form completed in CAPITAL LETTERS. The author consents to the public processing of the disclosed data (within the scope provided for in the GDPR) and dissemination of his/her image

-The prizes are taxable in accordance with applicable legal regulations. To receive the prize, the winner must appear at the exhibition or provide the organizers of the contest with the bank account number to which the prize should be transferred within the agreed date and in the appropriate currency



* Grand Prix – the “Koziołki” (“Billygoats”) statuette and a cash prize of PLN 10,000

* 2 gold medals and cash prizes of PLN 7,000 each

* 2 silver medals and cash prizes of PLN 6,000 each

* 2 bronze medals and cash prizes of PLN 5,000 each

In addition, the contest organizers will be awarding distinctions and additional prizes not specified in these rules



15 November 2021


Address for sending artworks:

Dariusz Pietrzak

ul. Morelowa 14, 62-095 Murowana Goślina, Poland


Entry Form:Click Here





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