Friday, February 7, 2025

– – – – – – – 05 July2021 – – – – – – 5th Cartoonist international Seasonal Festival-Summer 2021-iran / 2021

=05 July  2021=

5th Cartoonist international Seasonal Festival-Summer 2021-iran


The world laughs after this


Humorous language is a special kind of speech in the form of an image or text that re-reads the functional processes of a society in another form.

Humor more than trying to make people laugh; it try to surprise, regret, thinking and contemplation. The visual arts have also tried not to be empty of the element of humor by trapping the lines and shapes in the framing of an image. This image profile, sometimes in the form of cartoons, sometimes caricature, sometimes photos and sometimes in the form of posters, has been able to perpetuate pure and memorable framing of people over time.

 Just as these picture frames of society make the audience stand in front of an image, laugh, cry, and fly with it to the depths of their minds. The existence of a range of visual humor in different formats enable the artists from all around the world to depict the ignorance of a society in different forms with their creative view of people’s daily lives; Ignorance that answers unanswered questions of   people’s minds.

 The Artoonist International Seasonal Festival is a popular festival formed by the              policies of a number of prominent cartoonists, photographers and graphic artists from around the world. This festival has tried to review and criticize the various events and happenings of the world in three form of cartoons, news and press   humorous posters and posters from the world artist’s point of view.

 At the end of all four seasons, the festival tries to sell the selected works of the artists of the past year in an annual world exhibition in different countries, in coordination and agreement with the owners of the works.

Unlike many traditional international festivals, this event makes it the original  selected works to be sold with the artist’s signature and the cycle of art economics, which has been neglected so far in the form of cartoons, photos and posters, to be formed, and artists in these fields of art as well. Painters should make a profit from selling their works. It is worth mentioning that in addition to the works of selected artists, the works of the judges of each period will be offered for sale at the annual World Artist Exhibition.


Davoud Yarahmadi

President of the festival




World politicians



-To participate in the festival, you must fill in the entry form

-Number of works: 5 works

-Template: color and black and white

-Size of works: A3, 300DPI, JPEG, and RGB format


More details about the photo section:

-The subject of the photos must be humor

– Humor theme can include; Everyday life and activities, behaviors of politicians, war, street       protests, etc

– All photos must have accurate captions in English

-The main content of the image should not change with different editing and processing of the image


More details about the poster section:

-The subject of the posters must be humor

-Humor theme can include; be daily life and activities, behaviors of politicians, war, street      protests, children and adults

-Printed and published posters with the theme of humor can participate in this festival

-Posters should be written in English if they need explanation



5 people selected in each section (cartoons, posters and photos): The gold medal of the festival will be awarded along with the printed catalog of the festival


Cartoon judges:  • Raed Khalil \ Festival Director\ Syria

1.       Bahram Arjmandna\ Iran

2.       Izabela Kowalska Wieczorek\ Poland

3.       Seyran Caferli\ Azerbaijan

4.       Vladimir Kazanevsky\ Ukraine

5.       Xiao Qiang Hou\ China        


 Poster judges:

  • Hitoshi Miura Festival Director\ Japan

 1. Aliagha Hosseinpour\ Iran

 2. Christopher Han\ Korea

 3. Matthias Hillner\ Singapore

 4. Pavel Pisklakov\ Russia

 5. Rikke Hansen\ Denmark 


Photo judges

 • Alireza Attariani \Festival Director(Afiap)\ Iran

 1. Adel Abd Elaal\ Egypt

 2. Alexander kharavat \ Ukraine

 3. Dr.Kamaleddin Shahrokh\Iran

 4. Norbert Heil\ Germany

 5. Samira Alkhalifah\ Kuwait 



30 September 2021


Judging works:

10 October 2021


-The original of the selected works will be displayed for sale in an annual exhibition in  coordination with the owners of the works during one year

-The sale of works will also include the works of the judges of the previous year

– All works that make it to the exhibition will be given a certificate of attendance

-An electronic catalog will be sent to all selected entrants to the exhibition

-The festival is allowed to use the works submitted to the festival in the form of books, postcards, posters and for all examples of advertising

-Participating in the festival means accepting all the rules of the festival


Address for sending artworks:





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