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 = 30 November 2024 =

Weekly Single Page of Cartoonmag / No 28


NO:28 , Saturday, 30 November 2024

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Abbas Naaseri / Who tells the truth? Who lies? Who narrates? Who distorts? Who exaggerates and who bluffs? Honestly, there's always been a doubt about the accuracy of writing and recording events during history. The suspicion that historians might have swayed their pens in favor of the governments of their time, from which they drew their livelihood, cannot be confirmed nor denied. Yet, this question lingers in the minds of those who study history.

However, I know of a reliable historian, and I turn to this source to study history. By examining various kinds of it, one can almost achieve a true historical record of that period. In my opinion, accurate and complete historiography emerged when satirical magazines and cartoons came into existence. Daily, weekly, and monthly publications that documented the events of their time for the benefit of the people rather than the governments. These magazines have always paid the price for their allegiance to the public with suspensions, bans, and even revocation of licenses.

If someone claims that during a particular year, our government, there was prosperity, affordability, and flourishing; and presents documents, statistics, historiographies, and books to support their statements; it is easy to find the truth by leafing through the satirical magazines of that time. What kind of life did people experience then; famine and poverty or the unreal image which they want to show? If a country claims freedom of speech, a study of its caricature magazines can reveal where the truth lies and where the lies are.

Governments, after their term ends, should be evaluated by the cartoons and caricatures depicting their era, not by the fabricated statistics they present. The precise poverty line can be found within the cartoons; social class disparities, vulnerable groups, freedom of speech, war crimes, and so on. It doesn’t matter which country, which government, or which regime, you always can hear the truth from the cartoons...

But let me whisper this between us; although the historical developments of each country can be understood through the cartoons of each era, some cartoonists are not to be trusted for their historical narratives; as they easily change their stance and when interests are at stake, they transform from critics to supporters, from boycotters to organizers. (I have seen it, that I say it). 


This single page has been prepared to remind the news and calls published on the cartoonmagazine website and it is supposed to be published every Saturday.

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