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= 10 August 2024 =
Weekly Single Page of Cartoonmag / No 14
NO:14 , Saturday, 10 August 2024
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Abbas Naseri / I don’t want to talk about the distant past, about the era of "Daumier", "James Gillray", "David Low", 'Ralph Steadman", "Ronald Searle", "Topor", "Sempé', "Chaval', 'Cardon', 'Plantu', 'Quino', 'Mordillo', or their contemporaries…
My words are about the last one or two decades, about the time when prestigious festivals were flourishing, about the colorful catalogs that were sent to our homes by mail, the smell of the ink, and the joy of flipping through and seeing delightful works that refreshed our spirits.
When each catalog was like a university, teaching us so much, and holding a physical collection of contemporary masters' works in our hands was a pure delight.
I want to speak about the names that we miss so much that our longing to see their works has turned into a lump in our throats. Maybe it’s also about missing the good old days and the golden age of cartoons, days full of flourishing and camaraderie…
New artists entering the scene in the past two decades is a positive development. I am also one of them. But what happened to those artists whose names either are not mentioned at all anymore or are heard very, very rarely? Whether it’s due to old age, the decline of prestigious festivals, unfair judgments, or any other reason, we have been deprived of seeing those magnificent works.
Every art needs the essence of authenticity and a solid foundation upon which to build. Whether someone remains within this structure depends on how much their work is harmonious with the fabric of society and the unspoken or unheard voices within it. Perhaps that statement by the "Dalai Lama' about religion could be applied to art as well, saying: "The art that makes you kinder, more understanding, more independent, more impartial, more loving, more humane, more responsible, and more ethical, that leads to peace, love, and humanity, and does not cause harm—art that does this for you is the best art."
My advice to the newer artists is to search for these names on the internet and not miss out on the pleasure of seeing good art.
I will try to list the names of these artists at the end of this note as far as I can remember, to at least pay them a tribute. Maybe while I was writing the text, my memory didn't help me to remember all of the names so, please write in the comments the names who you know.
"Vladmir Stepanov", "Garif Basyrof", "Igor Smirnov", "Sergey Tyunin", "Vladimir Mondrichenko", "Oleg Loktyev", "Nikolay chermyshov", "Nikitin Igor", "Sergey Savilev", "Oleg Dergatchov", "Alexander Umyarov", "Andrei Puchakanion" RUSSIA / "Stefan Despodf" BULGARIA / "Mahmut Akgun", "Muhitin Koroglu", "Nezih Danyal", "Ahmet Ozturklevent", "Eray Ozbek", "ali Sur", "Basol Erdogan", "Selcuk Demirel" TURKY / "Roberto Mangosi", "Samanta Bartolucci", "Giargio Giaiotto", "Paolo Dalponte", "Alessandro Gatto", "Simone Frosini", "Franco Origone", "Achille Superbi" ITALY / "Gzeslaw Prezak", "Grzegorz Szumowski", "Jozef Bendziecha", "Andrzec Graniak", "Jacek Frackiewicz", "Slawomir Luczymski", "Gligor Kostovski" POLAND / "Oleg Smal", "Sergey Riabokon", "Alexey Kostavsky" UKRAINE / "Li Xiao Yang", "yu Huachun", "Zhi Dong Zeng", "Xia Dachuan", "Lirun Tang", "Leng Mu", "Xu Xiao" CHINA / "Mihaita Porumbita", "Julian Penapai", "Florian Doru Crihana", "Marcu Cristian", "Constantin Pavel", "Mihai Ignat", "Constantin Ciosu", "George Lucirici" ROMANIA / "Toshihiko Nonaka", "Mikio Nakahana" JAPAN / "Dosan Pavlic", "Pavel Botzatv", "Borislaw Stankovic", "Alxander Klas", "Jugolav Vlahovic" UGOSLAVI / "Paulo Volmar Mats Vilanar", "Erico Junqueira Ayres", "Ronaldo Dias", "Eduardo Baptistao" BRASIL / "Berislav Flankovic", "Jugoslav Vlahovic", "Jovan Prokopljevic" SERBIA / "Mojmir Mihatov", "Nikola Listes", "Zeljko Ceric Rot","Srecho Pvntaric", "Ivan Haramija" CROATIA/ "Ludo Goderis", "Danny Dehaes" BELGIUM / "Nam Myung-Lae", "Taeyong Kang" SOUT KOREA / "Arvid Andreassen" NORWAY / "Pepe Alex Peleyo" CHILE / "Andrei PUchkaniov" BELARUS / "Nikola Angelkoski" MACEDONIA / "Mahmud Kahil" LEBANON / "Valeriu Kurtu" GERMANY / "Medi Belortaja" ALBANIA / "Mirslav Bartak", "Luko Peter" CZECH REPUBLIC / "Miro Durza", "Lubomir Kotrha", "Peter Luko" SLOVAKIA / "Michael Kountouris" GREECE / "Vladimir Abroian" ARMENIA / "Ravshan Egamberdiev" UZBEKISTAN / "Bill Statt", "Kim Outram" UK / "Khalid Al Hashemi" BAHRIAN / "Kapusta Janusz" USA / "Jacek Frackiemiz" NETHERLANDS / "Nekra Kvasiqi" BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / "Margareta Chitcatti", "Samandariin Tsogtbayar" MOLDOVA / "Leslic Ricclardi" URUGUAY / "Omar Flgueroa Turcias" SPAIN / "Fares Garabet" SYRIA / "Cristobal Reinoso" ARGENTINA / "Javad Alizade", "Masoud Ziai", "Kiomars Kiasat", "Ali Divandari", "Ali Merikhi", "Parvin Kermani", "Afshin saboki" IRAN, and …
This single page has been prepared to remind the news and calls published on the cartoonmagazine website and it is supposed to be published every Saturday.
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