today : Thursday, 18 April 2024




= 23 April  2021=

Press Freedom Cartoon Exhibition 2021-Indonesia  



T"Let Journalist be Journalist"

 Stop violence against journalists-

Journalists work for the public-

Digital attacks: doxing, DdoS etc-

-Pressure to revise the ITE Law in Indonesiaheme



-Each cartoonist can send maximum of 5 pieces

-The artwork may have been published or a new work

-It is required to send us your name, surname, postal address, email address, phone number, resume and social media account

-The size of the works 300 dpi, A4/A3 jpg format

-Upload your work to social media with hashtags #JurnalisKerjaUntukPublik

#KamiBersamaJurnalisHadi #JurnalisBukanKriminal

#MenujuWPFD2021 by mentioning account @aji_semarang @ajiindonesia , @DivHumas_Polri, @jokowi,


-All works that enter the committee will be published on social media and online galleries on the website and journalist network websites in Indonesia 



The three best works will receive appreciation from the committee

All participants will receive an e-certificate and e-catalog



30 April  2021


Address for sending artworks:

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Facebook Abbas Naaseri:CLICK


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