6th Graphic humour -2018
– Festivals of Moor
– Christians Free
Professional or amateur artists from any part of the world can participate in the contest–
-The works presented must have a humorous intention
-The presentation will be in paper or digital format. The work must be publishable on paper
-The maximum size will be a DIN A4 or proportional page
-In case of containing text, it should be labeled in Spanish
– Each participant may submit a maximum of 6 works, 3 per category in any of the valid formats
– Originals will not be accepted, only copies (in digital or printed format). Works in JPEG format must be submitted in a resolution of 300 dpi
– Each participant will have to specify their full name, telephone number, complete postal address and email address. The delivery can be made by email or ordinary mail (in no case will the work be returned)
Moors and Christians Festival Prize 200.00 euros
Free thematic prize 200.00 euros
23March 2018
Address for sending artworks:
Comparsa Students. Lamberto Amat Street,
22 03600 Elda (Alicante)
Telephone contact. 635 795 975
Source & For more information:Click Here