Wednesday, February 19, 2025

– – – – 03 August 2017 – – – -9th LA CIUDAD DE LAS IDEAS, MEXICO/ 2017




Beyond the white slate



-The contest is open to professional and amateur artists from around the world older than18 years old

-All work submitted must be completely original and unpublished. Submissions must not be simultaneously participating in any other contest or event

-The concept to develop and theme of La Ciudad de las Ideas are the following

-Each contestant will be able to participate only with three different works (those contestants who send more than 3 works will be disqualified)

-All techniques will be accepted (digital or manual, color or b/w)
-The work may not exceed the following sizes: 22cm x 33cm or a proportional size; and if it is a digital work, the resolution must not be less than 300dpi and no heavier than 10 Megabytes
-If the contestant submits his/her original work, the following information shall be attached in a sealed envelope

-Fill out a form for every work submitted. The resolution must not be less than 300dpi and no more than 10Mb

-The contestant will sign a certification. If the work is sent by means of the form, the contestant should only click on the acceptance box; if the work is physically sent, the contestant should sign and include the following legend

Example: I, (name of the author), certify being the author of the work of the 2013 contest, Ideas Peligrosas, and submit them to the contest of La Ciudad de las Ideas. I, (name of the author), accept, for the simple fact of submitting this work under the terms of the contest, the use of said work for the purposes that are considered appropriate by Poder Cívico A.C.

SIGNATURE: ________________________



 Primer Lugar

Segundo Lugar

Tercer Lugar

-Un viaje con todos los gastos pagados a la ciudad de Puebla, Puebla, México que incluye: transporte, hospedaje y alimentos

-Un boleto para asistir al Festival Internacional de Mentes Brillantes: La Ciudad de las Ideas que cuenta con más de 40 conferencias de personalidades que están cambiando el mundo

 Nota: Los premios no podrán ser abonados en efectivo, ni serán transferibles a otra persona

Si eres extranjero(a) se te pedirá contar con pasaporte y visa vigentes para poder asistir al festival en Puebla, México a recoger su premio



27August 2017


:Address for sending artworks

Noveno Concurso Internacional de Caricatura BEYOND THE BLANK SLATE

Reforma 222, Piso 12

Col. Juárez

Delegación Cuauhtémoc C.P. 06600 México D.F


Source & For more information:Click Here



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