the Fourth International Graphic Humor Festival “The Sunny Dragon
Welcome to Armenia
Noah’s Return, Tourism in Armenia, Transportation
The participants can send their work (in electronic form) in advance, as well take a direct online part during the 2 days of the festival
Works, in digital format,com together with the completed digital entry form. All submitted works, in any technique, black/white or colour, must be saved in high quality JPG, TIFF, PNG or PDF formats, in 300 dpi resolutions, in A4 size; each file should not exceed 5MB. Larger files will not be considered
Submissions that have received awards previously at other events are also accepted. Please mention the place and the date of the award
First Prize
«Golden Sunny Dragon» medal and valuable gift
Second Prize
«Silver Sunny Dragon» medal and valuable gift
Third Prize
«Bronze Sunny Dragon» medal and valuable gift
Special Awards
Special Prize from the RA Ministry of Culture Special Prize from Armenian Association of Caricaturists (Some other prizes can also be expected)
Golden, Silver and Bronze Sunny Dragons will be awarded upon jury’s’ decision. The jury’s’ decision is final and cannot be disputed. The jury will be announced soon. Special awards will be assigned by the respective organisations
7th and 8th of July 2018
Address for sending artworks:
Source & For more information:Click Here
Instagram: cartoon.magazine