19th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition -2019
Open season on journalists
2018 was one of the worst years for the number of journalists killed while doing their work
Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist
It may be either in colour or black and white and must not have won an award
The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.5 by 11 inches. Cartoons should be in jpeg format at 300 dpi
The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the cartoonist must be included in the submission
first prize of $1500 plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, second prize of $750
third prize of $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars
Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence.’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence
12April 2019
Address for sending artworks: