= 11 March 2022=
The XIV International Contest Snail Graphic Humor/ 2022, Spain
-Any professional or amateur artist can participate in this contest
-The participants can send a maximum of 3 works to compete, as long as they have not been previously awarded in another contest
-The works (only vignettes, we will not accept comics or strips) can be made with any pictorial technique, with unique format of A-4 size (210 mm X 297 mm) or proportional
-Works can be without words or, in case of having them, they must be in Catalan, Spanish or English
-The email sent must include, besides the work, the name and surname, address, telephone, short curriculum vitae and photograph or/and an author’s caricature
The winning work will recieve a single prize of 1,014 euros (amount on which the corresponding tax deduction will be applied)
14 April 2022
Address for sending artworks:
Instagram cartoonmag:CLICK
Facebook cartoonmag:CLICK
Facebook Abbas Naaseri:CLICK