= 13 February 2022=
The 3rd International Caricature Competition, Mugla 2022 / Turkey
Discovering fire is the fundamental revelation in history of humanity. Thanks to the fire, human discovered light, how to cook and forging precious metals. However the exploration of fire has also caused harmful results.
Many natural disasters have realized during history. The fires comes the first. It left a deep mark in the memory of human.
The great Rome, Chicago, Londra, Canada, Peshtico and Siberia fires the great fires known as the great fires realized in the world.
Today, the fires which starts in the urban locations has transformed into forest fires. Apart from harming the ecological system, the forest fires cause financial damages. For instance that as globally Amazon forest fires realizing every year and the forest fires realized Muğla province locating in Aegean Region of Turkey in 2021, burned the nature. The colors of nature turn into black…
In this context, we elected the theme of the competition as “The effects, reasons and results of the Fires”
– The competition has been organized for national and international for competitors who are amateur or professional throughout world
-The caricatures including out of public decency, containing offence and politics, undesirable and harmful declarations cannot attend the competition
-The relatives of jury mustn’t attend the competition
-Drawing technique is free
– Caricature size must be at least A4 (21 x 29.7 cm) and uttermost A3 (29.7 x 42 cm), must be 300 dpi, jpg
-Caricatures that will be sent must haven’t been get any award. Any caricature that is subjected to replica, similar or comprint will not be received for consideration
-Competitors must add their short CVs to their work
-Participants can send 5 (three) caricatures maximum.
– Any competitor who is under the age of 18 must attach his/her personal id’s copy to their application
-The work must be sent to the under the headline “Muğla Büyükşehir Belediyesi 3. Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması” with name of the artist, country and city
First Prize: 10.000 TL
Second Prize: 7.000 TL
Third Prize: 5.000 TL
Honorable Mention (3): 2.000 TL
2 Candidates who are Under the age of 18 (10-18) : 1.000 TL special award
Oğuz ARAL Special Prize: 1.500 TL
20 May 2022
Address for sending artworks:
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