= 19 November 2021=
4th International Cartoon Competition “Eurasia” / Russia
Hello, Neighbor!
– Authors over the age of 18 are allowed to participate in the Contest
-Each author may submit for participation in the Contest no more than 5 (five) works
-Works that have received prizes in other Contests are not accepted for participation
– Format: A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A3 (297 x 420 mm)
-Works must be hand made original. Photocopies, prints are not considered
-Works convicted of plagiarism do not participate in the competition
-Technique is free; works can be either black and white or color
-Works should not contain text
-Full name of the author, time of creation, return address, e-mail are to be indicated on the back
-Works must be accompanied by a completed application form for the participant of the Contest
1st place: € 1,500
2nd place: € 1000
3rd place: € 500
Special Prize: € 500
Honorable mention
10. Authors of works participating in the final exhibition receive a certificate of the participants in the Contest and a printed copy of the catalog
01 February 2022
Address for sending artworks:
Lenin Avenue, 39, P.O. Box 126,
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 620000
On the envelope it is necessary to indicate: “For the Cartoon Competition”
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