today : Monday, 29 April 2024




= 08 December 2023 =

Sinoplu Diogen 3rd International Cartoon Competition /Turkey 2024



No to Nuclear



-The competition is open to amateur and professional artists from all over the world

-Sinop, which takes its name from the beautiful Sinope who made Zeus fall in love with her, is under a nuclear threat these daysSinope’s younger brother Diogenes is now looking for support for Sinop “against the nuclear power plant” instead of wandering around with a lantern during the day “looking for people”. All over the world. Our expectation from cartoonists is; Nuclear power plants, a technology that will be abandoned in the near future, have economic, ecological, vital, environmental, etc. They reflect their losses on their business…

-Technical is free in the works that will participate in the competition. The works must have not received any awards in any competition before

-Digital certificate will be sent to all participating artists

-Participants can send any number of works they want. However, there is no more than one award for a drawing

-The cartoons to be sent should be maximum A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm), 300 dpi resolution and JPG format

-With the works, all artists should send their name, postal address, phone, e-mail address, short resume and one photo

-In the selection committee

Ayancık Mayor Hayrettin Kaya (Turkey), sculpture artist Eşref Baş (Turkey), writer Tufan Bilgili (Turkey) and cartoon artists Adnan Taç (Turkey), Altan Özeskici (Turkey), Ares-Aristides Hernandez (Cuba), Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey). ), Erhan Yaşar Babalık (Turkey), Fan Lintao (China), Leila Alaiy (Iran), Mehmet Selçuk (Turkey) and Musa Keklik (Turkey)



Big Reward: 10,000 TL/Plaque

4 Success Awards: 2,000 TL/Plaque

Special Awards to be given by various institutions: plaque



15 June 2024


Address for sending artworks:

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